1F | METoA 1
Satellite-ReflectionSymbol Object that Casts the Relationship between Earth and Satellites into Shape

By shining light from different directions on the object coated with a special film, different-colored rays of light reflect off of or shine through it to paint the space.
METoA Cafe & KitchenMiniature Universe on a Plate!
ShopYou can find a range of original goods available only here featuring the METoA Ginza logo and logo colors.
2F | METoA 2
SATELLITE HEROESPass environmental testing and launch your own original satellite!

Let’s send your customized satellite into space!
Here in Ginza, this summer only, Mitsubishi Electric has prepared a spectacular space experience you should not miss. Bring back the memories of yesteryears, the days that you looked up into the night sky and wondered about the mysteries of outer space. During the event, at METoA VISION, visitors can personally customize a satellite they have chosen and then make it pass rigorous environmental testing. You can even watch it being launched into space. We hope you will enjoy this unique space experience.

3F | METoA 3
Experiential Theater “Satellite Journey”Join us to watch a satellite’s journey

Satellites Challenging the Inhospitable Conditions of Outer Space
Satellites have different roles in various areas such as supporting weather forecasts, communications broadcasting, and positional information services. They are now vital to people’s everyday lifestyles and consistent, stable operation is essential. However, outer space presents a much harsher environment than one could ever imagine on Earth, including intense heat and the effects of a vacuum environment and radiation. Even before a satellite reaches outer space, its body and the on-board equipment go through a number of challenges, including shocks and vibrations when the rocket carrying it is launched. Mitsubishi Electric is involved in the production of many satellites capable of withstanding such unforgiving conditions. At METoA Ginza, you can see first-hand how a satellite goes through various challenges before it gets to outer space in the experiential theater. We hope you enjoy the powerful visual imagery, and special floor and sound effects prepared for this event.
Tangible EarthUsing “Tangible Earth,” let’s learn about Earth as seen from outer space!

Interactive Learning with Digital Globe
In the exhibit area, in addition to the impression of actually looking at Earth from outer space, an interactive feature makes it possible to feel clouds moving in real time and even see how whales migrate. Of vital importance to us is to pass down this beautiful planet to future generations. Please take the time to visit this exhibit and view the beautiful blue-green marble we call Earth from various angles, touching it with your own two hands.
Satellites List Touch-panelLearn about satellites with the touch of a finger!

Touch-panel display with a comprehensive lineup of satellites manufactured by Mitsubishi Electric
Mitsubishi Electric has been manufacturing various satellites and platforms for more than a half-century. Here, we offer visitors a look at all of our satellites using a touch-panel display. Using your fingers for control, zoom into the role or launch year of a satellite, and see whether it’s a positioning satellite, communications satellite, meteorological satellite, or earth observation satellite, and what it looks like. Please take a look at how Mitsubishi Electric has evolved as part of Japan’s space exploration program.
Satellite PlanetariumWatch satellites traveling through the vast universe right in front of you!

Planetarium experience presenting satellites that play active roles in outer space
Various satellites are supporting people’s lives on Earth. Mitsubishi Electric has brought a planetarium dome to METoA Ginza, enabling visitors to enjoy the life-like experience of looking at satellites in outer space. After capturing the marker in the dome using a handheld tablet, outer space appears on the screen. Simply by tapping on a small satellite in the screen, you can zoom in on it and then have a 360° view of it simply by turning it around using your fingers. You are certain to have a relaxing and enjoyable time in this calming environment, where we offer you the rare experience of taking a close-up look at a satellite.
Large-Scale Telescopes Virtual Reality ExperienceSimulation to Experience the Scale of Large-Scale Telescopes Working to Reveal the Mysteries of the Universe

Largest in Japan!*Let’s climb the 45-meter Radio Telescope at Nobeyama Radio Observatory
The Nobeyama Radio Observatory (NRO), located in Nagano Prefecture, is the home of the largest radio telescope in Japan, jointly developed by Mitsubishi Electric and the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan. Invisible radio waves originating from interstellar gases, which are the materials for star formation, are observed here at the end of their journey. It is also well-known for a groundbreaking achievement: the discovery of a supermassive black hole, the first ever found. In the Virtual Reality zone, you can experience the simulation of climbing this gigantic telescope and showing up on its primary mirror. We hope you will enjoy learning about the overwhelming size and power of this 45m-diameter telescope.
*Among antennas dedicated for radio-wave observation
Let’s visit the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array(ALMA)Antenna – Experience a true embellishment in a vast desert!
The Atacama Desert in Chile extends to the Andean Plateau at an altitude of 5,000m above sea level, and is the home of a radio-telescope array consisting of 66 antennas. Known as the ALMA, this telescope is operated through the cooperation of 22 countries and regions, including Japan. Mitsubishi Electric manufactured 16 of the antennas under the responsibility of Japan. By observing radio waves from various celestial objects, ALMA contributes to solve mysteries of the origins of planets and galaxies. Using the virtual reality equipment provided at METoA, visitors can walk around ALMA and enjoy a star-filled night sky, one of the most beautiful views in the world.
Large-Scale Telescopes Virtual Reality Experience(Nobeyama 45-meter Radio Telescope)
You can experience the simulation of climbing this gigantic telescope and showing up on its primary mirror. We hope you will enjoy learning about the overwhelming size and power of this 45m-diameter telescope.
Large-Scale Telescopes Virtual Reality Experience(ALMA)
You can walk around the ALMA built in the vast Atacama Desert and enjoy a star-filled night sky, one of the most beautiful views in the world.
Viewing on a Computer
- Change the viewpoint by dragging the mouse cursor across the image. You can also change the viewpoint by clicking the icon at the top left-hand-side of the screen.
- Depending on the web browser being used, you may not be able to enjoy the 360º viewing experience.
Viewing on a Smartphone
- Change the viewpoint by clicking the replay button and moving the phone up/down, left/right.※If the viewpoint does not change by moving the phone up/down, left/right, please tap the title section at the top left-hand-side of the screen. This will enable you to view the images using the YouTube application.
- You will need to download the YouTube application for smartphones.
- Depending on the smartphone model used, you may not be able to enjoy the 360º viewing experience.
3F | METoA 3 [Expression of Outer Space]
Digital Globe in 21th Century "Tangible Earth"
Tangible Earth is an interactive digital globe for next generation created by mainly Shinichi Takemura, being a professor in Kyoto University of Art and Design and a representative of Earth Literacy Program. Exhibited at international event, environmental event and education site, for example, G7 Ise-Shima Summit in 2016 or Japan pavilion of milanoexpo-2015 and so on.
Corporative Companies: The KAITEKI Institute, Inc./Weathernews Inc./National Federation of Agricultural Cooperative Association(ZEN-NOH)
soundscape title "Il Poema Del Spazio (The Poem of Space)"
Soundscape Designer Kenta Kamiyama
Born in Tokyo in 1991. He is active mainly in Japan and Italy. He has worked not only as a sound designer but also as an artist.