1F | METoA 1
METoA Cafe & KitchenConnecting Various Tastes with Syrup — Enjoy the sensation of harmonious flavor enhancement
ShopWe have items for you, through which you can experience the feeling of urban energies and links between them–the theme of the ongoing event.
2F | METoA 2
Energy-Sharing CityPath to Linking and Sharing Energy...
Help Us to Create a Vibrant City of the Future

The More Buildings You Connect, the More Vibrant the City Becomes!
In a city of the future where green energy is more commonly used. Balance of supply and demand of energy would vary based on change of climate such as extreme heat and heavy rain. We need your help to supply energy to those areas. Your mission is to connect the “paths” so that electricity can be shared between the energy-sufficient areas and those in need of energy. Once energy reaches all corners of the city, the streets light up and become brighter. So, let’s connect one mark to another on the floor and create a vibrant metropolis.

As you walk from one mark on the floor to another,links are created to share energy.

When energy is linked to all areas,
the city begins to shine brilliantly.
3F | METoA 3
Energy-Sharing StoryWhat is Energy Sharing?

Projected Silhouettes Begin Moving! A Small Magical Experience
In cities where many companies and people exist side-by-side, large amounts of electricity are consumed 24 hours a day. It also creates a problem: large volumes of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere. If the emission of these gases continues to increase at the current rate, the average temperature will continue to rise globally. Through the exhibits on display at METoA Ginza, we hope you will more easily understand and appreciate this energy problem leading to global warming. Of course, we suggest some solutions too! With the push of a button, a heart-warming animated video will start. A man and a woman sharing an umbrella on a rainy day will appear. Just as important as caring for each other is, sharing is the key to energy issues. This type of sharing will ensure energy stability and realize "future cities where all people will have sustainable lifestyles and peace of mind."

The Future of Urban Energy as Seen thru the Eyes of Mitsubishi Electric

The amount of electricity required in daily life varies significantly by time of day, season and weather. As electricity is difficult to store, it is often wasted depending on the circumstances. If electricity waste increases, the amount of greenhouse gases emitted during electric power generation will increase, thereby further harming the environment. This is why it is imperative that electricity supply and demand be balanced. Mitsubishi Electric develops and manufactures management-and-control systems that optimize the supply-and-demand balance of electricity. Its systems link the consumption of electricity generated from main energy sources like thermal power generation with the production of electricity using solar power, thereby supplying the additional demand required. Furthermore, from this time onward, our plan is to manufacture forward-thinking energy systems that will contribute to reducing carbon by not only using less energy, but also producing energy using replenishable resources, sharing energy, and linking systems so that they can supplement each other.
Linking Home EnergyWill Linking Household Energy Use Lead to a Better Future?

Mission: Link and Supplement Energies Using Augmented Reality (Timed!)
You are living in a future city where too much energy is being consumed. Looking at the space in front of you over your tablet, you will see a virtual scene created using augmented reality technologies. Your mission is to build a network that “produces,” “uses smartly” and “stores” electricity, doing so by connecting all of your home’s electrical appliances and an electric vehicle (EV). The more items you connect, the more energy-efficient your house becomes. Come on, give it a try and see how your lifestyle becomes more comfortable!

State-of-the-Art Energy-Saving Building ExperienceTailor-Made Offices! Building Energy Management Simulation

The Ultimate Office Energy Story
Create an avatar that will act as your alter ego and experience a day in a state-of-the-art office where electricity is used in an advanced way. As you approach your desk, the light is turned on and the air-conditioner automatically adjusts to your preferred temperature. After you leave and other have all left as well, the lights in meeting rooms and halls turn off automatically. These functions are a small part of many technologies being incorporated to ensure more comfortable lives for all in the future. By using only the electricity required when needed, negative environmental impact can be minimized. Even today, environment-friendly office spaces are in use, being automatically adjusted to the desired comfort levels of the people working them. Your workplace could evolve into one like this in the very near future.

Rhythmic Energy-SharingBuild a Vibrant City Connecting Energy Use

Colorfully Paint the City Using Rhythmic Images and Sounds!
What a city has to do now in order to create a low-carbon society is to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. To this end, it is imperative to manage the supply-and-demand balance of energy by linking the entire city through a network. By sharing energy, large-scale energy efficiency can be achieved. At METoA Ginza, using lights and sound, you can experience how a city becomes more comfortable and efficient as a strong network is created when introducing items such as houses, buildings and factories to the platform. When all of the items are in place, the vitality and brilliance of the city are shown, and people’s anxiety should fade away.